Unit 1 - Introduction to Geography

Welcome to Grade 9 Academic Geography!

We will be learning about all things geographical in this course. In this section you will find the administrative information you need for the course as well as the due dates for everything. Please just click on the links below to access what you need.

You will also have access to any material I use in class.

Course Outline

Due dates for ALL projects this semester

Here is the Overall Rubric for the course expectations

Unit 1 Project instructions

Types of Map presentation

Here is a link to a prezi showing the required components of a map. You will have figured all this out when you were mapping the classroom. This is just a refresher in case you forget!

Here are links to the Unit 1 project choices for Period 2 and Period 3. You can double check here that you are not choosing the same topic as someone else in your class.

Sept 14
Today we will be trying to develop Framing Questions. In other words, questions we can use to talk about a variety of issues and make connections to geography. Try and develop questions that will help you think about your own projects.

What happens to recycled material in our community?
How might resource shortages in other countries influence Canada’s resource development strategy?
How does your ecological footprint impact the sustainability of Canada’s resources?

In your groups, determine what the difference between Physical and Human landscapes is.

These questions may help...
What creates physical landscapes? Examples?

Sept 15th...continue with:
What creates (other than people) human landscapes? Examples?

Think of your trip to school every day.
What physical landscape features do you encounter? (ie: what lies beneath the roads and sidewalks)
What human landscape features do you encounter? (ie: anything constructed by people)

We will share our ideas on the board.

The remainder of the class will be used to continue work on your projects. Now is the time to ask questions, and register your topic with me!

Sept 16th
Today we are going to look at the following three areas (resources, industry and urban growth). In groups you will brainstorm responses to the prompts below. We will share the results. Be prepared to justify your statements.

Types of resources - list genres or specifics types. Include of how they are obtained, if you know.

Types of Industry - list and explain the FOUR levels of industry to the best of your ability.

Urban growth - how has this been affected by resources and industry? Positive/negative?

Sept 17th
Work day. Continue to research and develop your projects.

Sept 18th
Class discussion: What do you (or your parents) like/dislike about your community?

Here is a link to the images of various types of resource extraction. I want you to think of the environmental impact of each of these. (think: how do they set up the sites? extract the material? treat workers? process the material? transport it, etc?) Then I want you to think how you use these, and other, resources. Is the relationship between you and the resources healthy and sustainable? (you will need to define what you mean by healthy and sustainable...defend your choice!). Try to relate your ideas to your project

Sept 21
For today's class you will be introduced to graphs of various types that are useful for geographers. Different graphs excel at showing different types of information...choose the wrong graph and nobody will see why your information is important. Please do the following:

1) go to the CIA World Factbook and choose a country.

2) find some information (hint: stats shown as percentages are easy) about that country to graph.

3) choose TWO types of graph to show the same data. (graph paper is on, or in, the front desk)

4) which one shows your info most clearly?

5) write a paragraph explaining why you chose: the data, the two types of graph. Explain which graph was more effective and why it was. Look at your peers' graphs. Can you make any connections between what their graphs show and yours? Or what they thought about it and what you thought?

6) don't forget you will need to do some graphing for your projects....

Here are links to a great series of vignettes on Youtube that totally make the connections we have been talking about during this first unit. These connections can be made throughout the semester in every unit.

Part I: Cotton

Part II: Machines

Part III: People

Part IV: Boxes

Part V: You

Here are the examples both classes came up with when we were debriefing what made a good project/presentation. Refer to this when doing project 2.

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