Unit 4 - Changing Populations

This is our last unit!

Which means we are now starting on our last project. This is the most important unit so far because it is your last chance to show me improvements before the summatives.

Here is a copy of your Cheat Sheet for the unit. It is slightly different from the previous unit. The expectations for the unit are new.

Look at the appropriate document here to find out which topics you have signed up for. Here are both Period's topics.

Here are some useful links to the Gap Minder website and the Google Form Activity that goes with the website.

Tuesday May 5th
Week’s Question: What criteria should be used to determine Canadian immigration policy?

Brainstorm on week’s question. Respond to the prompts below:

List the criteria for immigration. You can create any criteria, but you must justify them.

Discuss and rank the criteria in your pods/groups.

Link Week’s Question to where immigrants tend to settle. (Hint: would it be different for a British immigrant and a Haitian immigrant? Why?)
What are some challenges immigrants face?

What are some challenges Canada faces due to increased cultural diversity?

Discuss your answers in your pods and then state your position to the class.

For homework: Ask Parents/friends about their immigration experiences (services used, problems, traditions changed, successes).

Wednesday May 6th:
In our pods list the types/classes of immigrants to Canada.
Define each one, come together as a class to get a good working definition.

Discuss/record data provided by parents from yesterday's homework.
How do their answers fit into the various types of immigrant and their possible experiences?
Is everyone the same? Why/Why not?

Look at the Mind Map organiser for Immigration: Homeland and Homes of New Canadians

Does this tie into what you thought about where immigrants settle?

Continue with Unit 4 Project research if time allows.

Thursday May 7th:
What affect do immigrants/refugees have on Canada?
Brainstorm in your groups...
Think: Social, political, economic, environmental.

List Pros/Cons.
What numbers should be allowed/can be sustained?
What does the future look like?
How does immigration affect community?

Read the handout “Does Canada Accept Too Many Immigrants?” and answer the questions with it.

Continue with Unit 4 Project research if time allows.

Friday May 8th:
Think about and respond to these questions before watching the TED Talk.
How does the increasing number of immigrants affect: infrastructure, food production, energy consumption, community sustainability.


Watch TED talks on “The Washing Line

How can the we balance the needs of our increasing immigrant population and the increasing energy demands of the world?

Reflect back on Week’s Question. Can we change/Do we want to change any of the criteria?

Continue with Unit 4 Project research if time allows.

Here is a very cool resource that you can use to manipulate population date and quality of life data for many of the world's countries.

May 15th
Students can work on their projects for the period, or they can use this period to catch up on any missing work (for example, the reflective journal for the last unit!)

I would rather have them finish work from any class than have them waste time.

REMINDER: Projects are due May 25th

May 22nd
Here is a very interesting video related to ecosystems and what happens when parts of it are altered.

Here is a copy of the rubric for this unit.

Here is the Reflective Journal for the final unit. This is the last one you have to do!!

In case you are wondering what each expectations is, here is a copy of all the expectations on the rubric.

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