Unit 2 - Interactions in the Physical Environment

For the Second Unit you will need to follow these instructions for the project. (In fact, all of the next unit projects follow the same instructions.)

Please make sure your topic choices fit both the unit focus (Interactions in the Physical Environment) and the perspective you have been assigned for the unit (community, nation, world). If you were not assigned a perspective see me asap. If you cannot remember your groupings, look in the front of my attendance binder.

In case you are having a hard time thinking of a topic I have included some suggestions in the following document. Your name will be added to the topic of your choice in your class' document. Click here for Period 2 or here for Period 3.

Everyone's project topic MUST connect to ALL the following but be from your assigned perspective of A, B, C. (see links above):

1) The physical environment and human activity (aka: natural environment and what humans do with/to it)

2) Interrelation between physical systems, processes and events (aka: rocks, climate and water and how they all shape our landscape)

3) Characteristics of Canada's natural environment (aka: climate, geology, drainage patterns and vegetation regions)

4) Characteristics of land use in Canada (how the actual landscape is used by humans related to your topic, or how landscape forces humans to do/make things a certain way)

Continue building on the great start in Unit 1. Think outside the box. Make sure to use geographic tools to show your work. 

Oct 5th
1st Week’s Question: How do the Natural Characteristics of Canada influence human activity, and how might human activity influence natural characteristics?

Prompt A
How do various groups in Canada view nature? What are their beliefs about protecting nature? [FNMI, Environmentalists, Multi-National Corporations, Oil, Mining, Government]

Some responses are in the pictures:

Prompt B
Interrelation between physical environment (landscape and climate) and human activities.

How would landscape and climate play a part in influencing the following activities? [recreation, agriculture, industry, urbanization, Arctic exploration, animal habitat/vegetation]

Oct 13th
2nd Week’s Question: In what ways do Earth’s natural processes, phenomena, and events influence Canada’s natural characteristics?

After working on the Week's question, we will be watching the following short videos made by the National Geographic magazine. Earthquakes, Landslides, Tsunamis

Then we will be working in groups of 3 to answer the question below, with SPECIFIC reference to the topic your group chooses from the list below.

How do these natural processes and phenomena impact Canada’s natural characteristics (how our country looks)? Provide examples. Indicate if it is Positive (+) or Negative (-) on the chart paper.

In your group, brainstorm your responses and add them to your chart paper/whiteboard.
These are the topics for the groups. Pick ONE.

Landslides    Desertification     Volcanic eruption      Drought

Water cycle     Flooding       Fire       Erosion

What impact might this volcanic eruption in Iceland in 2012 have had on Canada?

What impact might this tsunami in South East Asia have had on Canada?

Here are some links to the readings and websites we will be looking at this week. First, David Suzuki's website talking about climate change and its affect on forests. I would like you to be able to respond to the following questions about this article. What patterns can we predict for the future? Good or bad? Can we adapt?

Next a link to a webpage talking about tornadoes in Canada Please look at the maps on this webpage. Who (which organization) made the maps? What are they using their data to show us (what is their goal)? Can you determine why the tornadoes are located where they are? Would you need a different type of map to answer that question? What is your hypothesis (idea you would like to prove) about tornadoes and where they occur?

Oct 19th
For the instructions for today's lab on earthquakes, click HERE.

Use this link to get to the Natural Resources Canada Earthquake Database.

Landforms, Glaciers, Drainage and Climate Lab. Here are the instructions for the Lab. Using the maps produced from the Earthquake lesson, you will add additional details during this class. You will need access to coloured crayons or pens.

Sorry for the delay in posting these pics from our Processes and Phenomena lesson. I have now found a decent way to get the pics from my phone onto the blog! You can teach an old dog new tricks. Please click on this link to view all of the charts we created:
Natural Processes and Phenomena

Today you will be working on the Characteristics of Land Use lesson. There are three parts but you can work in your groups. Using a variety of resources in the classroom, you will explore the urbanization of cities.

......research periods for the projects. Make sure to get your work done! This is your last chance to work on them in class.

Here are the instructions for the Reflective Journal for Unit 2. Please complete it by _______.

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