Unit 3 - Managing Canada's Resources and Industries

Apr 9th
Here are the first resources for this Unit.

An article about the garbage in Toronto, and what to do about it.

If you wanted to calculate your own ecological footprint there is an online calculator here. You might need information from your parents to accurately complete this.

We will also be checking out an Ottawa company named Plasco. They have an innovative way of dealing with garbage. 

What I want to know is: Is waste a natural resource for the future? Discuss.

If you are having trouble figuring out how to research for your project, click on this Cheat Sheet link.

Project 3 topics for Period 2 class will be added soon.

Apr 10th
Today will be a work period. Use the new Google researching tools you learned on Wednesday to gather information about your topics.

Apr 13th
Today we will be working on our Unit 3 projects.

Apr 14th

In order to understand the importance of energy to humans we will be playing an online energy game. You will have to be able to survive for 10 years in order to succeed.

You will have to fill this handout as part of the activity. Once you have opened it, make a copy and save it. Then, please add all your group's names at the top of the document.

Here is a list of the groups and what score they got so you can see who gets the chocolate!

Apr 20th
5 groups - use chromebooks for research. Add your information and research to this document so everyone has the information.

Find the answers to the following Qs:

Compare resource-based, manufacturing-based and service/knowledge based industries.
  1. Which one contributes more to the Canadian economy? Explain why/how?
  2. Which sector employs the most people? Which sector contributes the most to our economy? Explain why this is.
  3. Which sectors have grown/declined in the last decade? Explain why?

Hints: Think of the underlying geography of the location. What about the transportation required?

Here is an amazing presentation from TED Talks related to energy production: What would happen if we could generate power from our windowpanes? In this moving talk, entrepreneur Justin Hall-Tipping shows the materials that could make that possible, and how questioning our notion of 'normal' can lead to extraordinary breakthroughs.

Apr 21st
“T-chart” on chalkboard of natural resources: Renewable and non-renewable.

List human industries that are NOT natural resources

What are your criteria for "most valuable" resource?
List the criteria.
Rank them.
Add a resource to each criteria (can repeat), is there a pattern?

Apr 22nd
Urban Growth: Define it as a class.

Watch Urban Sprawl video to highlight difficulties of urbanization

What are the potential side-effects of urbanization?

Work Period

Apr 23rd
Find ideal locations for the following 5 industries:

Describe the logic behind your choice of location. Was it based on physical geography, climate, urban centres…?
  1. Resource extraction
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Services
  4. Knowledge-based
  5. Cultural.
Apr 28th
As a class, please watch The Story of Stuff and then respond to the 2 prompts.

1) How does the video The Story of Stuff outline the problems relating to extraction, production and consumption? (Focus: human activities and urban growth)

2) How do natural environmental phenomena make things people do to the environment worse? (Focus: Ocean/Wind Currents, Landscapes)

Once you have done that, start working on your reflective journals for this unit. They are due next Monday, May 4th.

Ignore information below this line. It will be updated soon.

Here is an article about Solar Panels that Mr McClatchy will be talking about. Here is a link to the slide show related to the article that has all the questions you need to respond to.

Please check out this link to an article on Water Disputes that will be discussed in class today.

Nov 14th
Here are some links to the slide shows that Mr. McClatchy showed over the past week.  He talked about Electricity on Monday, Trade on Tuesday and Urban Sprawl on Thursday.

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